Recruit Online

Recruit online to further your direct sales business. No matter what network marketing company you are with, half of your job is to sell the products and the other half is to recruit or sponsor other people.

To recruit is to look for someone for a service or employment. Because of this connotation some people prefer the word "sponsor". Whichever term you use, it means signing people up to work on your team.

You have to ability to empower other people to own their own business. If you do not share this business opportunity with others, you are doing yourself a disservice.

The only way to be successful in a network marketing business is to recruit. This will allow you to leverage your time and maximize your income. You will be able to mentor your new team members, and when they succeed, you will also succeed.

When you recruit or sponsor someone new, they will receive training from the company in the form of audio and video training tapes and DVD, books, nationwide telephone calls, and a training manual.

To be effective you will also have to provide training for your team. Whenever you create something for your business you will save a copy of it to share with your team. Your newly sponsored member can learn from you and find out what things work best.

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There are two methods of direct sales. Click below to learn more about them.
direct sales marketing (traditional)
direct sales marketing (online)

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