Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)is a list of questions and answers that you may have too. If you didn't get an answer to what you are looking for, please contact me at the bottom of this page. I will be adding more as they come up. The only stupid question is the one that wasn't asked.

Q: How quickly can I expect to see results?

A: Depending upon your age, skin condition, and the products used previously on your skin, visible results will vary greatly -- however, you'll be able to feel the results almost immediately. It's important to remember that wrinkles, sun damage, dehydration, and enlarged or clogged pores didn't appear overnight. L'Bri products are corrective, working from the inside out to restore and repair the skin. While many people report positive changes in the appearance of their skin within the first week, it will take four to six weeks for your skin to experience the maximum benefits.

Q: Will my skin break out once I begin using the program?

A: As embedded impurities in the skin begin to surface, you may experience a blemish or two as your skin begins its healing process. These blemishes never last more than a few days, and you'll then experience a smoother, clearer complexion.

Q: Do I have to use the entire three-step system to see results?

A: Yes. It's critical that you use the entire system and not substitute products other than L'BRI. All companies formulate their products to work together within a specific pH range. L'BRI cleansers have been formulated to work with our skin fresheners and moisturizers synergistically. Each step of the L'BRI skin care system is in harmony with the next, to create superior results for your skin.

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