L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL's Color Conversions

Here is the color conversions for the liquid foundations and the dual action powder foundations and also the liquid foundation descriptions.

Liquid Foundation Descriptions

#1 foundation = pink tones = light ivory tones

#2 foundation = yellow tones = medium tones

#3 foundation = pink tones = medium tones

#4 foundation = pink tones = darker medium tones

#5 foundation = olive tones = tan to darker skin tones

Use the process of elimination when it comes to matching skin tones.

~if yellow tones - try 2 or 5

~if very fair tones - try 1 or 4

~if medium tones - try 3 or 4

You will know once you see if on your face which one looks best.

Foundation Colors VS Dual Action Colors

#1 try 40, 41, or 28

#2 try 41 or 34

#3 try 31 or 32

#4 try 31 or 32

#5 try 34

Click here to return from color conversions to L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL'S cosmetics.

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