Natural Acne Treatment

Natural Acne Treatment That Is Effective and Affordable!

Acne is an inflammation, infection, and crusting of your sebaceous glands.

Sebaceous glands are tiny structures in the skin that produce oil (sebum). If they become plugged, sebum collects inside and forms a nurturing place for germs to grow thus causing the infections.

Pimples get plugged with fat, skin, and keratin. If the pimple is open it is called a black head. If it's closed, it is a whitehead.

Acne can be found on your face, chest, and back.

The cause is your hormones.

Keep your oily areas clean to help control your breakouts. Don't squeeze them. This causes infections and scarring.

L'BRI's Natural Treatments

I've heard many people say that they've tried ProActiv. Ugh! Is it the famous model in the ad? I don't know. This treatment contains bleach. If you want to put bleach on your face to "cover up" your breakouts and not really help clear it up from the inside out, then ProActiv is for you.

L'BRI has some awesome acne treatments that are all natural and more importantly effective and affordable.

L'BRI's Deep Pore Trio

L'BRI's Aloe Jelly

L'BRI's Klear Away

L'BRI's Facial Masque

L'BRI's Rejuvenating Facial Peel

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