Soy Wheat Honey
Soy Wheat Honey in L'BRI Products If you are watching closely what you eat or what's in the products you use. Here is some more information.
L'BRI products containing Soy. (Hydrolyzed Soy Protein) Aloe Nourishing Shampoo Aloe Nourishing Conditioner Daily Moisturizing Hand and Body Lotion Fabulash
L'BRI products containing wheat. (Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein) Dermaplex A Fabulash Rejuvenating Facial Peel
L'BRI products containing Honey (Vegan exceptions) Aloe Nourishing Shampoo Aloe Nourishing Conditioner Exfoliating Face and Body Scrub If you have any further questions about L'BRI's ingredients,
click here.
If you still have questions, feel free to contact me.
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