Pick A Successful Up-line

You absolutely need a successful up-line to build your new business.

Since you are here navigating my web site, you may already be looking for a new network marketing company to join. You already know the benefits. You may have already done this before, but with another company. You may have bought similar products to the ones on this site. You may be looking for a work from home job, a new business. Whatever you are looking for, you want the best possible up-line you can find.

I can lead you to success!

I joined L'Bri in October of 2007. I had no experience with network marketing. I did the traditional grand opening and the home parties for my family and friends. I started off great! My executive manager was guiding me. Then...

business started to get slow. I ran out of family and friends I could bother. My manager stopped calling. I feel like she gave up on me.

I really wanted to succeed, but I didn't know what to do. I am a "wall flower", and don't like to be the center of attention, so when they told me "just talk to everyone" this wasn't easy for me to do. I like to listen more often than speak. I don't find it easy to talk to new people in new situations.

I was told, just talk to everyone. Share your business. It practically sells itself. Not for me it didn't. I gather up the courage to talk to people, and they were not interested. I felt like a failure.

Then I came across Ann Sieg's e-book The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing. I felt like she knew exactly what I was feeling. I read the book and the rest is history. I began building my own web site. I now exclusively work online with my business and do not do the traditional home parties.

I love working with people dealing with their skin issues. I provide them with solutions. I work mostly using e-mails, but will talk with people on the phone as well. I have created videos to put on youtube. I am just enjoying what I do, and I'm getting paid for it!

You can too!

I will help you build YOUR business. I will be your successful up-line to guide you. I have autoresponders that you can copy and use. I have a starting checklist, so that you won't have to wonder what to do next.

Wouldn't you love to live where you want? retire? relieve stress in your life? follow your dreams? have financial freedom? get your spouse out of his/her job? Consider owning your own business.

Contact me with your specific question.
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