Managing Time and Mastering Organization
Managing Time
Another of Shari’s bonus trainings
Here is an interesting story that Shari shared. There is a jar on the table. Rocks are put into the jar filing it up to the top. Is the jar full? Well yes, it’s full of rocks.
Next, gravel is poured into the jar. Is the jar full? Seeing how this is going, I guess not.
Thirdly, sand is poured into the jar. Is the jar full? No.
Lastly, water is poured into the jar. Now it is full. We can’t put anything else into it.
Let’s use this analogy when talking about managing time. First we need to put our Big Rocks on our calendar first. These are things that are most important to you. Things like children, your spouse, church, business, another job.
Managing time starts with your calendar. Get your planner out and start filling it in.
If you look at the calendar at a glance, start scheduling in your big rocks. Use highlighter or different colored pens. For example, red is for your family, blue is for your business/meetings, and green is for your shows or customer calls.
Then looking at the weekly plan, put in the details of your day.
You need a plan otherwise the day just passes right you by. You need to be a list maker.
Time Wasters
Some ultimate time wasters are answering your phone. This distracts you. Screen your calls. Then you can make calls back when you have the time.
Another time waster is TV. TV has come along way over the years. This is great for us because we can record shows we don’t want to miss and watch them later.
Lastly, email and social networks are time wasters. Check your email in the morning and the afternoon only. When on social networks, set time limits for yourself.
Time Builders
Read and self train yourself.
Turn your car into a traveling university. Listen to educational cds. This can be on your business or motivational (and much more!)
Schedule in times to make calls. Take an hour and make all of your calls at once. Or if you are doing shows, leave early and make calls in the car, so you have uninterrupted time.
Finish one task before doing another.
As your income grows, hire helpers. Have a housekeeper or a business assistant.
Mastering Organization
ROTI – return on time invested
DIMM – does it make me money?
DIBMB – does it build my business?
These are some questions to answer. If it doesn’t, then change your plan. Getting organized and reducing clutter can help you be more efficient, but don’t waste too much time on it. (is it making you money?)
Use a file cabinet to organize your papers.
Keep all of your receipts in an accordion file. Have different sections for different types of receipts. For example, products, office supplies, hostess gifts, travel, mileage to shows, meetings, or to make copies.
Simplify your show. Keep your kit altogether. Have a checklist for show, so you can double check that you have everything you need.
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Bonus - How to overcome objections.