Referrals are just another way you can make money with L'Bri. They are just that, someone referring a friend, family, co-worker, whoever to you. This is something that just happens naturally. Think about the last time you went to a new restaurant or saw a new movie. What did you do in the days following when talking to your friends and family? You probably mentioned the restaurant and/or movie and told them about your thoughts and your experience.

This is true with products or services such as a new skin care line. People that use the product, love it, and have built a good rapport with you will tell everyone about it, and you will get more business. They might contact you directly, and if possible you could set up a one-on-one with them. Or they might just head right to your web site and order a free sample. You would then follow up with them by answering questions and making sure they are using the products correctly. If they love it as much as their friends, then they will order full size products, and you have yourself a new customer! It is a wonderful thing!
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